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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-63103

Way to collect exact time a issue spend in a workflow - JIRA Cloud

    • 147
    • 92
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Problem Definition

      Jira administrators sometimes need to know the time tickets spent on specific statuses for reporting or auditing purposes. For example, this may be used for checking how long a specific tickets remained in backlog until it was worked on.

      Suggested Solution

      Add to tickets information about the time spent in each status the tickets has already been in. This could be another tab next to history, for example, that lists all the status the ticket has been to and the amount of time it spent on each. This functionality is available already in some apps.

            [JRACLOUD-63103] Way to collect exact time a issue spend in a workflow - JIRA Cloud

            Pinned comments

            Hello Everyone,

            I would like to contribute by adding one workaround for this query for all users can retrieve the report, although the following options are valid: 

            Option 1: The days in the column feature in agile boards, show the number of days that an issue has been in a column, you can check this document for more information. To enable it, open the board settings, go to card layout and find the option at the bottom.

            Option 2: There are some apps in the marketplace that provide this feature, you could take a look at these apps.


            This is the python script:

            # file timeInStatus.py
            # Requirements: install python3
            # How to run: python timeInStatus.py
            import requests
            from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
            import json
            import csv
            from datetime import datetime,timezone
            import re
            import urllib.parse
            jql="project = KN4"                 # insert here the jql that you can test in the UI
            APItoken="APIToken"   # generate it here https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
            # First, get the data of the issues via API
            auth = HTTPBasicAuth(AdminEmail, APItoken)
            headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json"
            url = "https://"+tenant+"/rest/api/3/search?jql="+urllib.parse.quote(jql)+"&startAt=0&maxResults=100&expand=changelog"
            response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, auth=auth)
            jsonResponse = json.loads(response.text)
            # Then, process the data of the issues
            data = ""
            headers = ["time0","time1","status","deltaSec","key"]
            # output csv file
            with open('logs.csv', 'w') as f:
            	writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers)
            	# process each retrives issue
            	for issue in jsonResponse["issues"]:
            		statusChanges = []
            		# sincethe current status doesn't have history tiem, we add it for calculation
            		print("working with:" + issue["key"])
            		statusChange = {}
            		statusChange["time0"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00',issue["fields"]["created"]))
            		statusChange["time1"] = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone()
            		statusChange["status"] = issue["fields"]["status"]["name"]
            		statusChange["key"] = issue["key"]
            		# Process the changelog items from the newest to the oldest
            		for i in range(len(issue["changelog"]["histories"])):
            			history = issue["changelog"]["histories"][i]
            			for item in history["items"]:
            				if item["field"] == "status":
            					statusChange = {}
            					statusChange["key"] = issue["key"]
            					statusChange["time1"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00', history["created"]))
            					statusChange["status"] = item["fromString"]
            					## adjust previous status
            					statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1]["time0"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00',history["created"]))
            				#print(history["created"],history["items"][0]["field"], history["items"][0]["fromString"],history["items"][0]["toString"])
            		# complete the first history entry, the start date is when the issue was created 
            		statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1]["time0"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00',issue["fields"]["created"]))
            		for statusChange in statusChanges:
            			data = data + "['"+issue["key"]+"','"+statusChange["status"]+"', new Date("+ str(int(statusChange["time0"].timestamp()*1000)) + "), new Date("+str(int(statusChange["time1"].timestamp()*1000))+")],\n"
            			statusChange["deltaSec"] = (statusChange["time1"] - statusChange["time0"]).total_seconds()
            	# Write the html presentation template, it uses google charts api
            	template = "<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js'></script>\n\
            	<script type='text/javascript'>    \n\
            	  google.charts.load('current', {\n\
            	  packages: ['timeline']\n\
            	}).then(function () {\n\
            	  var container = document.getElementById('timeline');\n\
            	  var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);\n\
            	  var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Federation' });\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Event' });\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' });\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' });\n\
            	  var options = {\n\
            	    timeline: { colorByRowLabel: true },\n\
            	    tooltip: {isHtml: true},\n\
            	    legend: 'none',\n\
            	    backgroundColor: '#ffd'\n\
            	  var formatTime = new google.visualization.DateFormat({\n\
            	    pattern: 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss a'\n\
            	  var view = new google.visualization.DataView(dataTable);\n\
            	  view.setColumns([0, 1, {\n\
            	    role: 'tooltip',\n\
            	    type: 'string',\n\
            	    calc: function (dt, row) {\n\
            	      // build tooltip\n\
            	      var dateBegin = dt.getValue(row, 2);\n\
            	      var dateEnd = dt.getValue(row, 3);\n\
            	      var oneHour = (60 * 60 * 1000);\n\
            	      var duration = (dateEnd.getTime() - dateBegin.getTime()) / oneHour;\n\
            	      var tooltip = '<div><div class=\"ggl-tooltip\"><span>';\n\
            	      tooltip += dt.getValue(row, 0) + ':</span>&nbsp;' + dt.getValue(row, 1) + '</div>';\n\
            	      tooltip += '<div class=\"ggl-tooltip\"><div>' + formatTime.formatValue(dateBegin) + ' - ';\n\
            	      tooltip += formatTime.formatValue(dateEnd) + '</div>';\n\
            	      tooltip += '<div><span>Duration: </span>' + duration + ' hours</div></div>';\n\
            	      return tooltip;\n\
            	    p: {html: true}\n\
            	  }, 2, 3]);\n\
            	  chart.draw(view.toDataTable(), options);  // <-- use data view to draw chart\n\
            	});  </script>\n\
            	  <div id='timeline' style='height: 600px;'></div>"
            	template = template.replace("%DATA%",data)
            	f = open("timeline.html", "w")


            The output is a CSV with the timestamps and statuses:

            time0 time1 status deltaSec key
            2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583039-06:00 Approved 9066336.135039 SCRUM-1487
            2022-10-18 16:49:53.196000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 To Do 846.252 SCRUM-1487
            2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583163-06:00 Cancelled 9066233.273163 SCRUM-1486
            2022-10-18 17:05:22.638000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 To Do 19.672 SCRUM-1486

            And an HTML file with a timeline chart




            Jose Luis Gonzalez added a comment - Hello Everyone, I would like to contribute by adding one workaround for this query for all users can retrieve the report, although the following options are valid:  Option 1: The days in the column feature in agile boards, show the number of days that an issue has been in a column, you can check  this document for more information. To enable it, open the board settings, go to card layout and find the option at the bottom. Option 2:  There are some apps in the  marketplace  that provide this feature, you could take a look at these apps.   This is the python script: # file timeInStatus.py # Requirements: install python3 # How to run: python timeInStatus.py import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json import csv from datetime import datetime,timezone import re import urllib.parse jql= "project = KN4" # insert here the jql that you can test in the UI APItoken= "APIToken" # generate it here https: //id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens AdminEmail= "email@domain.com" tenant= "site-url.atlassian.net" # First, get the data of the issues via API auth = HTTPBasicAuth(AdminEmail, APItoken) headers = { "Accept" : "application/json" } url = "https: //" +tenant+ "/ rest /api/3/search?jql=" +urllib.parse.quote(jql)+ "&startAt=0&maxResults=100&expand=changelog" response = requests.request( "GET" , url, headers=headers, auth=auth) jsonResponse = json.loads(response.text) # Then, process the data of the issues data = "" headers = [ "time0" , "time1" , "status" , "deltaSec" , "key" ] # output csv file with open( 'logs.csv' , 'w' ) as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers) writer.writeheader() # process each retrives issue for issue in jsonResponse[ "issues" ]: statusChanges = [] # sincethe current status doesn't have history tiem, we add it for calculation print( "working with:" + issue[ "key" ]) statusChange = {} statusChange[ "time0" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' ,issue[ "fields" ][ "created" ])) statusChange[ "time1" ] = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone() statusChange[ "status" ] = issue[ "fields" ][ "status" ][ "name" ] statusChange[ "key" ] = issue[ "key" ] statusChanges.append(statusChange) # Process the changelog items from the newest to the oldest for i in range(len(issue[ "changelog" ][ "histories" ])): history = issue[ "changelog" ][ "histories" ][i] for item in history[ "items" ]: if item[ "field" ] == "status" : statusChange = {} statusChange[ "key" ] = issue[ "key" ] statusChange[ "time1" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' , history[ "created" ])) statusChange[ "status" ] = item[ "fromString" ] ## adjust previous status statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1][ "time0" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' ,history[ "created" ])) statusChanges.append(statusChange) #print(history[ "created" ],history[ "items" ][0][ "field" ], history[ "items" ][0][ "fromString" ],history[ "items" ][0][ "toString" ]) # complete the first history entry, the start date is when the issue was created statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1][ "time0" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' ,issue[ "fields" ][ "created" ])) for statusChange in statusChanges: data = data + "[ '" +issue[ "key" ]+ "' , '" +statusChange[ "status" ]+ "' , new Date(" + str( int (statusChange[ "time0" ].timestamp()*1000)) + "), new Date(" +str( int (statusChange[ "time1" ].timestamp()*1000))+ ")],\n" statusChange[ "deltaSec" ] = (statusChange[ "time1" ] - statusChange[ "time0" ]).total_seconds() writer.writerows(statusChanges) # Write the html presentation template, it uses google charts api template = "<script type= 'text/javascript' src= 'https: //www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js' ></script>\n\ <script type= 'text/javascript' > \n\ google.charts.load( 'current' , {\n\ packages: [ 'timeline' ]\n\ }).then(function () {\n\ var container = document.getElementById( 'timeline' );\n\ var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);\n\ var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string' , id: 'Federation' });\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string' , id: 'Event' });\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date' , id: 'Start' });\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date' , id: 'End' });\n\ dataTable.addRows([\n\ %DATA%]);\n\ var options = {\n\ timeline: { colorByRowLabel: true },\n\ tooltip: {isHtml: true },\n\ legend: 'none' ,\n\ backgroundColor: '#ffd' \n\ };\n\ \n\ var formatTime = new google.visualization.DateFormat({\n\ pattern: 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss a' \n\ });\n\ \n\ var view = new google.visualization.DataView(dataTable);\n\ view.setColumns([0, 1, {\n\ role: 'tooltip' ,\n\ type: 'string' ,\n\ calc: function (dt, row) {\n\ // build tooltip\n\ var dateBegin = dt.getValue(row, 2);\n\ var dateEnd = dt.getValue(row, 3);\n\ var oneHour = (60 * 60 * 1000);\n\ var duration = (dateEnd.getTime() - dateBegin.getTime()) / oneHour;\n\ \n\ var tooltip = '<div><div class=\ "ggl-tooltip\" ><span>' ;\n\ tooltip += dt.getValue(row, 0) + ':</span>&nbsp;' + dt.getValue(row, 1) + '</div>' ;\n\ tooltip += '<div class=\ "ggl-tooltip\" ><div>' + formatTime.formatValue(dateBegin) + ' - ' ;\n\ tooltip += formatTime.formatValue(dateEnd) + '</div>' ;\n\ tooltip += '<div><span>Duration: </span>' + duration + ' hours</div></div>' ;\n\ \n\ return tooltip;\n\ },\n\ p: {html: true }\n\ }, 2, 3]);\n\ \n\ chart.draw(view.toDataTable(), options); // <-- use data view to draw chart\n\ }); </script>\n\ <div id= 'timeline' style= 'height: 600px;' ></div>" template = template.replace( "%DATA%" ,data) f = open( "timeline.html" , "w" ) f.write(template) f.close()   The output is a CSV with the timestamps and statuses: time0 time1 status deltaSec key 2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583039-06:00 Approved 9066336.135039 SCRUM-1487 2022-10-18 16:49:53.196000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 To Do 846.252 SCRUM-1487 2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583163-06:00 Cancelled 9066233.273163 SCRUM-1486 2022-10-18 17:05:22.638000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 To Do 19.672 SCRUM-1486 And an HTML file with a timeline chart     Cheers!

            All comments

            Ostin Hops added a comment -

            The Time in Status for Jira app offers the following functionality.

            7 report types:

            • Time in Status,
            • Assignee Time,
            • Average Time,
            • Status Entrance Date,
            • Status Count,
            • Transition Count,
            • Time in Status per Date

            All reports can be generated by setting up a work schedule in the application, excluding weekends and non-working hours.

            Ostin Hops added a comment - The Time in Status for Jira app offers the following functionality. 7 report types: Time in Status, Assignee Time, Average Time, Status Entrance Date, Status Count, Transition Count, Time in Status per Date All reports can be generated by setting up a work schedule in the application, excluding weekends and non-working hours.

            Hello Everyone,

            I would like to contribute by adding one workaround for this query for all users can retrieve the report, although the following options are valid: 

            Option 1: The days in the column feature in agile boards, show the number of days that an issue has been in a column, you can check this document for more information. To enable it, open the board settings, go to card layout and find the option at the bottom.

            Option 2: There are some apps in the marketplace that provide this feature, you could take a look at these apps.


            This is the python script:

            # file timeInStatus.py
            # Requirements: install python3
            # How to run: python timeInStatus.py
            import requests
            from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
            import json
            import csv
            from datetime import datetime,timezone
            import re
            import urllib.parse
            jql="project = KN4"                 # insert here the jql that you can test in the UI
            APItoken="APIToken"   # generate it here https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
            # First, get the data of the issues via API
            auth = HTTPBasicAuth(AdminEmail, APItoken)
            headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json"
            url = "https://"+tenant+"/rest/api/3/search?jql="+urllib.parse.quote(jql)+"&startAt=0&maxResults=100&expand=changelog"
            response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, auth=auth)
            jsonResponse = json.loads(response.text)
            # Then, process the data of the issues
            data = ""
            headers = ["time0","time1","status","deltaSec","key"]
            # output csv file
            with open('logs.csv', 'w') as f:
            	writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers)
            	# process each retrives issue
            	for issue in jsonResponse["issues"]:
            		statusChanges = []
            		# sincethe current status doesn't have history tiem, we add it for calculation
            		print("working with:" + issue["key"])
            		statusChange = {}
            		statusChange["time0"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00',issue["fields"]["created"]))
            		statusChange["time1"] = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone()
            		statusChange["status"] = issue["fields"]["status"]["name"]
            		statusChange["key"] = issue["key"]
            		# Process the changelog items from the newest to the oldest
            		for i in range(len(issue["changelog"]["histories"])):
            			history = issue["changelog"]["histories"][i]
            			for item in history["items"]:
            				if item["field"] == "status":
            					statusChange = {}
            					statusChange["key"] = issue["key"]
            					statusChange["time1"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00', history["created"]))
            					statusChange["status"] = item["fromString"]
            					## adjust previous status
            					statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1]["time0"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00',history["created"]))
            				#print(history["created"],history["items"][0]["field"], history["items"][0]["fromString"],history["items"][0]["toString"])
            		# complete the first history entry, the start date is when the issue was created 
            		statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1]["time0"] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r'00$',':00',issue["fields"]["created"]))
            		for statusChange in statusChanges:
            			data = data + "['"+issue["key"]+"','"+statusChange["status"]+"', new Date("+ str(int(statusChange["time0"].timestamp()*1000)) + "), new Date("+str(int(statusChange["time1"].timestamp()*1000))+")],\n"
            			statusChange["deltaSec"] = (statusChange["time1"] - statusChange["time0"]).total_seconds()
            	# Write the html presentation template, it uses google charts api
            	template = "<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js'></script>\n\
            	<script type='text/javascript'>    \n\
            	  google.charts.load('current', {\n\
            	  packages: ['timeline']\n\
            	}).then(function () {\n\
            	  var container = document.getElementById('timeline');\n\
            	  var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);\n\
            	  var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Federation' });\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Event' });\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' });\n\
            	  dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' });\n\
            	  var options = {\n\
            	    timeline: { colorByRowLabel: true },\n\
            	    tooltip: {isHtml: true},\n\
            	    legend: 'none',\n\
            	    backgroundColor: '#ffd'\n\
            	  var formatTime = new google.visualization.DateFormat({\n\
            	    pattern: 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss a'\n\
            	  var view = new google.visualization.DataView(dataTable);\n\
            	  view.setColumns([0, 1, {\n\
            	    role: 'tooltip',\n\
            	    type: 'string',\n\
            	    calc: function (dt, row) {\n\
            	      // build tooltip\n\
            	      var dateBegin = dt.getValue(row, 2);\n\
            	      var dateEnd = dt.getValue(row, 3);\n\
            	      var oneHour = (60 * 60 * 1000);\n\
            	      var duration = (dateEnd.getTime() - dateBegin.getTime()) / oneHour;\n\
            	      var tooltip = '<div><div class=\"ggl-tooltip\"><span>';\n\
            	      tooltip += dt.getValue(row, 0) + ':</span>&nbsp;' + dt.getValue(row, 1) + '</div>';\n\
            	      tooltip += '<div class=\"ggl-tooltip\"><div>' + formatTime.formatValue(dateBegin) + ' - ';\n\
            	      tooltip += formatTime.formatValue(dateEnd) + '</div>';\n\
            	      tooltip += '<div><span>Duration: </span>' + duration + ' hours</div></div>';\n\
            	      return tooltip;\n\
            	    p: {html: true}\n\
            	  }, 2, 3]);\n\
            	  chart.draw(view.toDataTable(), options);  // <-- use data view to draw chart\n\
            	});  </script>\n\
            	  <div id='timeline' style='height: 600px;'></div>"
            	template = template.replace("%DATA%",data)
            	f = open("timeline.html", "w")


            The output is a CSV with the timestamps and statuses:

            time0 time1 status deltaSec key
            2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583039-06:00 Approved 9066336.135039 SCRUM-1487
            2022-10-18 16:49:53.196000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 To Do 846.252 SCRUM-1487
            2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583163-06:00 Cancelled 9066233.273163 SCRUM-1486
            2022-10-18 17:05:22.638000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 To Do 19.672 SCRUM-1486

            And an HTML file with a timeline chart




            Jose Luis Gonzalez added a comment - Hello Everyone, I would like to contribute by adding one workaround for this query for all users can retrieve the report, although the following options are valid:  Option 1: The days in the column feature in agile boards, show the number of days that an issue has been in a column, you can check  this document for more information. To enable it, open the board settings, go to card layout and find the option at the bottom. Option 2:  There are some apps in the  marketplace  that provide this feature, you could take a look at these apps.   This is the python script: # file timeInStatus.py # Requirements: install python3 # How to run: python timeInStatus.py import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json import csv from datetime import datetime,timezone import re import urllib.parse jql= "project = KN4" # insert here the jql that you can test in the UI APItoken= "APIToken" # generate it here https: //id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens AdminEmail= "email@domain.com" tenant= "site-url.atlassian.net" # First, get the data of the issues via API auth = HTTPBasicAuth(AdminEmail, APItoken) headers = { "Accept" : "application/json" } url = "https: //" +tenant+ "/ rest /api/3/search?jql=" +urllib.parse.quote(jql)+ "&startAt=0&maxResults=100&expand=changelog" response = requests.request( "GET" , url, headers=headers, auth=auth) jsonResponse = json.loads(response.text) # Then, process the data of the issues data = "" headers = [ "time0" , "time1" , "status" , "deltaSec" , "key" ] # output csv file with open( 'logs.csv' , 'w' ) as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers) writer.writeheader() # process each retrives issue for issue in jsonResponse[ "issues" ]: statusChanges = [] # sincethe current status doesn't have history tiem, we add it for calculation print( "working with:" + issue[ "key" ]) statusChange = {} statusChange[ "time0" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' ,issue[ "fields" ][ "created" ])) statusChange[ "time1" ] = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone() statusChange[ "status" ] = issue[ "fields" ][ "status" ][ "name" ] statusChange[ "key" ] = issue[ "key" ] statusChanges.append(statusChange) # Process the changelog items from the newest to the oldest for i in range(len(issue[ "changelog" ][ "histories" ])): history = issue[ "changelog" ][ "histories" ][i] for item in history[ "items" ]: if item[ "field" ] == "status" : statusChange = {} statusChange[ "key" ] = issue[ "key" ] statusChange[ "time1" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' , history[ "created" ])) statusChange[ "status" ] = item[ "fromString" ] ## adjust previous status statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1][ "time0" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' ,history[ "created" ])) statusChanges.append(statusChange) #print(history[ "created" ],history[ "items" ][0][ "field" ], history[ "items" ][0][ "fromString" ],history[ "items" ][0][ "toString" ]) # complete the first history entry, the start date is when the issue was created statusChanges[len(statusChanges)-1][ "time0" ] = datetime.fromisoformat(re.sub(r '00$' , ':00' ,issue[ "fields" ][ "created" ])) for statusChange in statusChanges: data = data + "[ '" +issue[ "key" ]+ "' , '" +statusChange[ "status" ]+ "' , new Date(" + str( int (statusChange[ "time0" ].timestamp()*1000)) + "), new Date(" +str( int (statusChange[ "time1" ].timestamp()*1000))+ ")],\n" statusChange[ "deltaSec" ] = (statusChange[ "time1" ] - statusChange[ "time0" ]).total_seconds() writer.writerows(statusChanges) # Write the html presentation template, it uses google charts api template = "<script type= 'text/javascript' src= 'https: //www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js' ></script>\n\ <script type= 'text/javascript' > \n\ google.charts.load( 'current' , {\n\ packages: [ 'timeline' ]\n\ }).then(function () {\n\ var container = document.getElementById( 'timeline' );\n\ var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);\n\ var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string' , id: 'Federation' });\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string' , id: 'Event' });\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date' , id: 'Start' });\n\ dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date' , id: 'End' });\n\ dataTable.addRows([\n\ %DATA%]);\n\ var options = {\n\ timeline: { colorByRowLabel: true },\n\ tooltip: {isHtml: true },\n\ legend: 'none' ,\n\ backgroundColor: '#ffd' \n\ };\n\ \n\ var formatTime = new google.visualization.DateFormat({\n\ pattern: 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss a' \n\ });\n\ \n\ var view = new google.visualization.DataView(dataTable);\n\ view.setColumns([0, 1, {\n\ role: 'tooltip' ,\n\ type: 'string' ,\n\ calc: function (dt, row) {\n\ // build tooltip\n\ var dateBegin = dt.getValue(row, 2);\n\ var dateEnd = dt.getValue(row, 3);\n\ var oneHour = (60 * 60 * 1000);\n\ var duration = (dateEnd.getTime() - dateBegin.getTime()) / oneHour;\n\ \n\ var tooltip = '<div><div class=\ "ggl-tooltip\" ><span>' ;\n\ tooltip += dt.getValue(row, 0) + ':</span>&nbsp;' + dt.getValue(row, 1) + '</div>' ;\n\ tooltip += '<div class=\ "ggl-tooltip\" ><div>' + formatTime.formatValue(dateBegin) + ' - ' ;\n\ tooltip += formatTime.formatValue(dateEnd) + '</div>' ;\n\ tooltip += '<div><span>Duration: </span>' + duration + ' hours</div></div>' ;\n\ \n\ return tooltip;\n\ },\n\ p: {html: true }\n\ }, 2, 3]);\n\ \n\ chart.draw(view.toDataTable(), options); // <-- use data view to draw chart\n\ }); </script>\n\ <div id= 'timeline' style= 'height: 600px;' ></div>" template = template.replace( "%DATA%" ,data) f = open( "timeline.html" , "w" ) f.write(template) f.close()   The output is a CSV with the timestamps and statuses: time0 time1 status deltaSec key 2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583039-06:00 Approved 9066336.135039 SCRUM-1487 2022-10-18 16:49:53.196000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:03:59.448000-05:00 To Do 846.252 SCRUM-1487 2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 2023-01-31 14:29:35.583163-06:00 Cancelled 9066233.273163 SCRUM-1486 2022-10-18 17:05:22.638000-05:00 2022-10-18 17:05:42.310000-05:00 To Do 19.672 SCRUM-1486 And an HTML file with a timeline chart     Cheers!


            When can we have this feature in JIRA?



            Application Support added a comment - Dears, When can we have this feature in JIRA? Regards, Raees

            I'm so disappointed that I couldn't find this feature natively in Jira.
            I hope that will change quickly

            Peggy Recoura added a comment - I'm so disappointed that I couldn't find this feature natively in Jira. I hope that will change quickly

            Malka added a comment -

            Need a query-able field for this.

            Malka added a comment - Need a query-able field for this.

            Jira is a Ticket Tracking System without Ticket tracking features. This is a very known approach by Atlassian to sell marketplace products and forcing companies to pay more money. 


            ANY UPDATE ON THIS?

            Deleted Account (Inactive) added a comment - Jira is a Ticket Tracking System without Ticket tracking features . This is a very known approach by Atlassian to sell marketplace products and forcing companies to pay more money.    ANY UPDATE ON THIS?

            I use the free version of "Timentify" BUT still to get more valuable report you need to buy pro version.

            I believe this is should be built in Feature at Jira

            Bayan Hashem added a comment - I use the free version of "Timentify" BUT still to get more valuable report you need to buy pro version. I believe this is should be built in Feature at Jira

            I can't believe this is not built-in in JIRA. All the data are available, but not no way do a clean report with with. 

            Jean-Pierre Gariépy added a comment - I can't believe this is not built-in in JIRA. All the data are available, but not no way do a clean report with with. 

            Mehmet A _Bloompeak_ added a comment - - edited

            As Bloompeak, we developed below 2 apps available at Atlassian Marketplace.

            1. Status Time: It generates status time report based on a calendar(7/24 or your working calendar). You can see sample report on online demo here.
            2. Status Time Free : Limited but free version of the above.

            Mehmet A _Bloompeak_ added a comment - - edited As Bloompeak, we developed below 2 apps available at Atlassian Marketplace . Status Time : It generates status time report based on a calendar(7/24 or your working calendar). You can see sample report on online demo here . Status Time Free : Limited but free version of the above.

            Our team at OBSS created Time in Status for this exact need:


            It can show how much time each issue spent on each status, assigned to each user or assigned to a member of each group.

            Data can be exported as CSV or Excel.

            Emre Toptancı [OBSS] added a comment - Our team at OBSS created Time in Status for this exact need: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1211756/time-in-status?hosting=cloud&tab=overview It can show how much time each issue spent on each status, assigned to each user or assigned to a member of each group. Data can be exported as CSV or Excel.

            There are addons for this, like ours https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1218809/quantify that can provide workflow analytics. Works for cloud, next-gen projects and with support.

            George Mihailoff added a comment - There are addons for this, like ours  https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1218809/quantify  that can provide workflow analytics. Works for cloud, next-gen projects and with support.

            Will be very useful if we have this information!

            Daniel Pérez added a comment - Will be very useful if we have this information!

            ehab.mohamed516143305 added a comment -

            Time spent in Each status is valuable information that helps KPI Reports.




            ehab.mohamed516143305 added a comment - Time spent in Each status is valuable information that helps KPI Reports. Thanks    

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