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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-43952

Status Tooltip does not disappear upon being clicked


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Open Issue Navigator in Basic search mode
      2. Click the Status drop-down menu to view the list of available statuses
      3. Hover a status for its tooltip to pop up
      4. Click on the tooltip
      5. Mouse out or click somewhere else

      Expected behavior

      Tooltip auto disappears

      Actual behavior

      Tooltip remains on the screen


      1. This can be replicated in JAC:
      2. Happens in Chrome, Firefox, and IE11
      3. Happens in both Detail and List View
      4. Nothing is seen from F12 Developer tools
      5. Any action that triggers a page refresh will sweep all the tooltips

              Unassigned Unassigned
              vdung Andy Nguyen (Inactive)
              11 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
