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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-43286

Upon synchronisation JIRA deletes users leaving their OAuthTokens behind




      When Jira is synced to LDAP, it was explained to me that Jira should never delete users that have been removed from LDAP. I originally had the understanding that only users that had created content or been assigned issues would be kept around and simply marked as inactive. We have recently had at least two users that have been added through LDAP, logged into Confluence that is linked with Jira (this is assumed because there are no records), checked their Confluence notifications, and accepted the OAuthtokens to allow Jira information to come through the activity feeds or other gadgets. It doesn't appear that they had created any content nor been assigned any issues. It doesn't even appear that they ever logged into Jira. The users were then removed from LDAP, both Jira and Confluence deleted the users. I was then getting errors in the logs stating that a scheduled service was failing due to a token not being associated with a user.

      2015-05-03 09:04:03,268 atlassian-scheduler-quartz1.local_Worker-2 ERROR ServiceRunner [atlassian.scheduler.core.JobLauncher] Scheduled job with ID 'JiraPluginScheduler:Service Provider Session Remover' failed
      com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider.InvalidTokenException: Token 'IKOZsoL8SARD7liLDSEEnjaLm5kQcO2E' is an access token, but has no user associated with it

      I have already opened a support ticket and have a decent workaround to remove the tokens. My concern is that this shouldn't be happening in the first place. Even if a user has never created content, a check should still be made for items like Tokens before they are deleted.


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              chris.solgat Chris Solgat
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