One thing I have noticed in our use of Outlook/Exchange, if a user is sending email to us about a ticket status, he will now have his name associated with either Jira or Confluence. So for example if you have a Joe Smith working with you at and his email address is part of your corporate address book, he should appear as "Joe Smith" and when you start typing his name in the "To:" field of an email, he will autocomplete. However, if he just sent a Jira update (or Confluence), he will appear as "Joe Smith (Jira)" and the address will be - which is totally bizarre. Even if you create a Jira and Confluence address pointing to Atlassian, the "Joe Smith (Jira)" will autocomplete for you when you start typing "Jira". For point of reference this is Outlook and the OnDemand version. In all cases, this has been the address for me that shows up for subsequent Jira updates (Joe Smith) until someone else sends me an update. You can also call your other users and ask them to start typing Jira in their "To:" field, and they will likely have a different username show up. So there is something relevant here (IMHO) as to why this is happening...
Hi acardino,
This is because Gmail prevents the from address to be set to anything different from you account name moniqueanna27 . This is an email spoofing prevention technique done at the email service provider side (Yahoo and other public servers do this as well).
JIRA tries to set the from address to what you specified but it can't do much is the mail service provider (gmail) overrides this.
Hope that clears up what you saw.
Oswaldo Hernández.
JIRA Bugmaster.