Resolution: Not a bug
Low (View bug fix roadmap)
When a JIRA project is created with an invalid project key the project administrator won't be able to access the versions, components and roles pages.
Steps to reproduce :
- Create a project with key '1234' (all numeric)
- Try to go to Project administration -> Versions, Components and Roles
- The page does not display and shows a progress bar infinitely.
Resolution :
Change the project key to a valid format
Actually, how can "all bets be off" if we migrated from, say, JIRA 4.3.4, which allowed numeric project keys, to 6.3.11, which disallowed numeric keys. CHanging keys to an alphanumeric key is not possible because Atlassian's Subversion plug-in does not factor in the project key changes in displaying code commits. Either we retain the numeric key and the subversion commit history or we rename the key to an alphanumeric key and lose all commit history.
That being said, how can this be all bets off when at one time Atlassian allowed numeric project keys only to change face and make a requirement that keys be alphanumeric?