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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-35503

Time difference between JIRA worklog and Tempo worklog


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a bug
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 6.1
    • None


      From Tempo "The issue is that your profile is set on a different Time Zone (TZ) than is set on the JIRA server, combined with the fact that there is a difference between how Tempo and JIRA handle work dates. Tempo does not convert the date and time you enter to your server TZ before saving it to the database; JIRA does. When work is logged with Tempo, JIRA’s worklog tab converts the worklog dates “back” to the user TZ with those results."

      My company uses Tempo, as we find the timesheets very handy for seeing what team members need to log their time, and where each team spent their time each week.

      Our JIRA is hosted in UTC-4, we have offices in UTC-8, UTC and UTC+8, so we are noticing that our Burndown charts and other reports are not accurate due to the way Tempo logs time.

      Tempo have stated (on the link above) "Unfortunately we have not had much luck with Atlassian on this matter. We are still pushing it, and hope to resolve this soon."

      I can't find any JIRA-XXXXX task or bug to reflect this so I would like to raised this as a customer, as it has been as issue for almost a year now from what I can see - we are not receiving clear feedback from Tempo on this.

      Please let me know if I should raise this elsewhere.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            5f14dff419a1 Lisa Reilly
            2 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
