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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-14542

Adding timeoriginalestimate field to Quick Sub-task Create form does not work as documented


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 3.13
    • 3.12, 3.12.1
    • Documentation - All
    • JIRA Enterprise versions 3.12 and 3.12.1 on JDK 1.6 on Ubuntu Linux 64-bit

      According to the comment above the jira.subtask.quickcreateform.fields property in jira-application.properties, I can add a field to the quick sub-task create form by adding a valid issue field id from the IssueFieldConstants class to the jira.subtask.quickcreateform.fields property.

      However, this doesn't work for the TIME_ORIGINAL_ESTIMATE field, which has the String value "timeoriginalestimate". If I add it in jira-application.properties, as follows:

      jira.subtask.quickcreateform.fields = summary,issuetype,,assignee,timeoriginalestimate:Original Estimate

      and restart JIRA, the Original Time Estimate field is not displayed, and I get the following error in the log file:

      ERROR [jira.web.util.SubTaskQuickCreationConfigImpl] Orderable field with id 'timeoriginalestimate' does not exist.

      From talking to one of the JIRA developers (Dushan), I understand that instead the way to achieve this is to use the following entry:

      jira.subtask.quickcreateform.fields = summary,issuetype,,assignee,timetracking:Original Estimate

      That is, using "timetracking" instead of "timeoriginalestimate".

      Good, however use of the "timetracking" label is not documented anywhere. Can we please update the comment above jira.subtask.quickcreateform.fields property to convey this.

      We should also say that you need Time Tracking enabled for this to work.

      If you think this is too much detail for the jira-application.properties, I suggest a page in https://confluence.atlassian.com with a link to it from the properties file.

      A customer reported this here in our Advanced JIRA configuration with jira-application.properties page, however in his case he gets an NullPointerException (see that page for the stack trace). I have not been able to reproduce this NullPointerException, neither in 3.12 (the customer's version) nor 3.12.1.

            dushan@atlassian.com Dushan Hanuska [Atlassian]
            idaniel Ian Daniel [Atlassian]
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