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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-25239

Updating the Team through a Plan fail if there are multiple Team custom fields with restricted context


      Issue Summary

      If having more than one Team type custom field, they all have to have the project's context (or global) in order to be able to update the Team through a Plan.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create another Team type custom field "My Team"
      2. Reduce the scope of "My Team" to "Project A"
      3. Try to update the Team field through a "Project B" Plan
      4. See that Plans reports the updates were successful but the Team reloads empty and Jira's not updated
      5. Updating the Team through Jira (with shared teams) results in the Plan displaying the Team

      Expected Results

      Advanced Roadmaps should update just the Team fields that are in the context of the project.

      Actual Results

      Advanced Roadmaps fails to update the Team field if there's any other Team field outside the project's scope.


      • Don't have ay other Team type custom field aside from the Locked default one
      • Make all Team custom fields global context. Advanced roadmaps will update all of them everytime the Team is updated.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rmartinez3@atlassian.com Rodrigo Martinez
              3 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
