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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-8043

"Committed by" field in Dependency not listing sprints that were modified

    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      "Committed by" field in Dependency not listing sprints that were modified from Jira to reflect different dates. It is still populating the old sprint dates.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: Yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create a Board in Jira and synced it to a Team in Jira Align
      • Create a PI and anchor sprints
      • Create sprints in Jira with the same anchor sprint dates in JA and initiated a Board sync
      • All the sprints got synced to JA as expected
      • Created a Dependency in JA at Program level with the depends on team as the same team from Step one(team to which the sprints are mapped)
      • Chose needed by as the last sprint and committed by correctly listed all the Sprints
      • Modify the sprint start and end date in Jira for one of the Sprints (ensure that it falls within the PI in JA)
      • Ensure to have anchors existing in JA for the same dates
      • Force a board sync in JA
      • Notice that the sprint date in JA got updated with the new dates both in Sprints grid and the team grid
      • Open the dependency created earlier and notice that the committed by list is not populating the updated sprint dates. It still lists the old dates.

      Expected Results

      "Committed by" field in Dependency lists sprints with updated dates after modifying them from Jira to reflect different dates.

      Actual Results

      "Committed by" field in Dependency not listing sprints that were modified from Jira to reflect different dates. It is still populating the old sprint dates.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            [JIRAALIGN-8043] "Committed by" field in Dependency not listing sprints that were modified

              fea1a6ef3355 Yannick Genin
              935a1c2f5863 Arathi M S
              Affected customers:
              1 This affects my team
              3 Start watching this issue
