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    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      I want to be able to update/add to a variable within an automation loop with data collected within the loop and referrence that after the loop is completed

      Example: For each linked issue of the trigger issue, build a string collecting Project and FixVersion of each Linked issue and ones loop is completed edit the trigger issue with query.

      Trigger (Manual) 
      create a variable called "query" (as string)
      Branch (loop)
           query = query + or project={{issue.key.name}} and fixVersion={{issue.fixVersions.name}} 
      Branch End
      Edit issue 
      "Status Summary" = All Content from Linked Releases\n\n[https://ford.atlassian.net/issues/?query|https://ford.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=query|smart-card]"


            [ECO-666] Option to update a variable within in a loop/branch

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              f5934e3b9871 Thomas Nielsen
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