Resolution: Duplicate
Server: 2.1-RC2 on atlaseye-qa.atlassian.com
Client: IE7 on Windows XP x64, IE8 on Windows XP
When using Crucible, there are frequent HTTP/HTTPS security warning popups on IE 7 and IE 8, making for a fairly disruptive user experience.
e.g. Warnings are displayed when the user...
- Views a Review: https://atlaseye-qa.atlassian.com/atlaseye/cru/CR-JRA-161
- Creates a Review: Tools->Create Review->Bamboo->Create Review
- Mouses over a Review Link in the Dashboard: Dashboard->Activity->All Activity->Mouse over any review link.
- duplicates
CRUC-2675 Review page over HTTPS in IE8 causes "Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?"
- Closed
[CRUC-2684] Frequent HTTP/HTTPS security warning popups on IE 7/8
Component/s | New: User Interface [ 12210 ] | |
Component/s | Original: Look & Feel [ 12767 ] |
Workflow | Original: FE-CRUC Bug Workflow [ 2939817 ] | New: JAC Bug Workflow v3 [ 2953540 ] |
Workflow | Original: FECRU Development Workflow - Triage - Restricted [ 1512590 ] | New: FE-CRUC Bug Workflow [ 2939817 ] |
Workflow | Original: FECRU Development Workflow - Triage [ 936993 ] | New: FECRU Development Workflow - Triage - Restricted [ 1512590 ] |
Workflow | Original: FECRU Development Workflow (Triage) [ 311691 ] | New: FECRU Development Workflow - Triage [ 936993 ] |
Workflow | Original: Simple review flow with triage [ 194878 ] | New: FECRU Development Workflow (Triage) [ 311691 ] |
Resolution | New: Duplicate [ 3 ] | |
Status | Original: Needs Triage [ 10030 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |