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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-96156

Preview and edit fail when adding link to page with ]]> in title, with Collaborative Editing ON

      Issue Summary

      Editing a page to include a link to another page, which has a link title including the characters ]]>, fails with "There was an error loading preview. Please try again later." during Preview, and "There was an error processing the request." upon Updating.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Make sure Collaborative Editing is ON.
      2. Edit and Add a link to a page, pointing to another Confluence page which contains a title including the characters ]]>.
      3. Preview the page.
      4. The page preview will fail, along with updating the page. Instead, you will see: "There was an error loading preview. Please try again later." upon previewing, and "There was an error processing the request." upon Updating.

      Expected Results

      Page preview and updating the page are processed successfully.

      Actual Results

      The page preview and update fail.


      1. Disable Collaborative Editing.
      2. Avoid the sequence ]]> in page (link) titles.

          Form Name

            [CONFSERVER-96156] Preview and edit fail when adding link to page with ]]> in title, with Collaborative Editing ON

            Another workaround, avoid the sequence ]]> in page (link) titles. from the logs it seems that the XML parser has a problem when this sequence is contained in a <CDATA[[... ]]> ...]]> section 

            Ammann Michael added a comment - Another workaround, avoid the sequence ]]> in page (link) titles. from the logs it seems that the XML parser has a problem when this sequence is contained in a <CDATA[ [... ] ]> ...]]> section 

              mleizerovich Maxim Leizerovich
              mrawson Miranda Rawson
              Affected customers:
              3 This affects my team
              4 Start watching this issue
