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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-95123

Knowledge base article cannot be displayed on the customer portal when JSM is integrated with Confluence 8.5.7+

      Issue Summary

      Knowledge base article cannot be displayed on the customer portal when JSM is integrated with Confluence 8.5.7+. When attempting to preview a Knowledge Base article you receive an error message in the iframe popup "<confluence site URL> refused to connect":


      • Any JSM Data Center version
      • Confluence Data Center on 8.5.7 or any higher version


      This issue only happens when Confluence is on 8.5.7.

      More information about the root cause in the KB article: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/kb-preview-is-failing-with-a-refused-to-frame-site-because-an-ancestor-violates-the-following-content-security-policy-directive-frame-ancestors-self-error-in-browser-s-console-1388151291.html

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Integrate JSM with Confluence to provide Customers with a knowledge base
      • Go to the customer portal and search for any KB article
      • Click on the article to open it in an iFrame on the customer portal

      Expected Results

      The article should be displayed:

      Actual Results

      The article is not displayed and we receive an error message in the iframe popup "<confluence site URL> refused to connect":


      1. Set the below JVM parameters (on all nodes if you are using multi-node DataCenter cluster) to add the below argument to your setting for allowing only the Jira host to view Confluence content in an iFrame (please change <JIRA hostname> with yours before applying configuration.); - See Configuring System Properties for more on setting System Properties.
        • If Jira is not running as a service and the JVM parameters are configured in the setenv.sh or the setenv.bat file, please add the row below:
          CATALINA_OPTS="-Dhttp.header.security.content.security.policy.value=\"frame-ancestors 'self' <JIRA hostname>\" ${CATALINA_OPTS}"

      – If Jira is running as a Windows service, then you will need to add the Java Option below (without double quotes):

      -Dhttp.header.security.content.security.policy.value=frame-ancestors 'self' <JIRA hostname>
      1. Perform a rolling restart of Confluence

        1. ExpectedBehavior.png
          70 kB
        2. ObservedBehavior.png
          20 kB

            [CONFSERVER-95123] Knowledge base article cannot be displayed on the customer portal when JSM is integrated with Confluence 8.5.7+

              03cb0c04aa4f Irina Tiapchenko
              jrey Julien Rey
              Affected customers:
              30 This affects my team
              44 Start watching this issue
