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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-78044

Confluence editor: Invite people element is not accessible for Keyboard & screen reader users.

      Issue Summary

      In Confluence editor, the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element is not accessible for Keyboard & screen reader users.

      Also the "Invite people to edit" popup which appears when user click on the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element is not accessible.

      Issue id: 725391

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to the Confluence Homepage.
      2. Navigate to the "Create" button inside header section & activate it.
      3. Navigate inside the Confluence editor.
      4. Navigate to the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element.

      Actual Results

      While navigating with Keyboard inside confluence editor, the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element does not receive keyboard focus. Also it doesn’t have an accessible label in the code.

      Also the "Invite people to edit" popup which appears when user click on the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element is coded at the end of the page incorrectly.

      This makes Keyboard & screen reader users difficult to access the functionality associated with the element.

      Expected Results

      The 'Invite people to edit with you ' element should be accessible with Keyboard & screen reader. Apply following fixes.

      1. Mark the element as HTML <button> element.
      2. Provide an accessible label as "Invite people to edit with you" to the button element via aria-label attribute.
      3. Provide the aria-expanded="false" attribute to the button element to convey the current state to screen reader users.
      4. Toggle the value of aria-expanded between true or false as per user interaction.
      5. Provide aria-haspopup="true" to the button element.
      6. The code of the "Invite people to edit" popup should be present right after the code of button element.



      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
            1. Confluence Data Center
            2. CONFSERVER-78044

            Confluence editor: Invite people element is not accessible for Keyboard & screen reader users.

                Issue Summary

                In Confluence editor, the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element is not accessible for Keyboard & screen reader users.

                Also the "Invite people to edit" popup which appears when user click on the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element is not accessible.

                Issue id: 725391

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Navigate to the Confluence Homepage.
                2. Navigate to the "Create" button inside header section & activate it.
                3. Navigate inside the Confluence editor.
                4. Navigate to the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element.

                Actual Results

                While navigating with Keyboard inside confluence editor, the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element does not receive keyboard focus. Also it doesn’t have an accessible label in the code.

                Also the "Invite people to edit" popup which appears when user click on the 'Invite people to edit with you ' element is coded at the end of the page incorrectly.

                This makes Keyboard & screen reader users difficult to access the functionality associated with the element.

                Expected Results

                The 'Invite people to edit with you ' element should be accessible with Keyboard & screen reader. Apply following fixes.

                1. Mark the element as HTML <button> element.
                2. Provide an accessible label as "Invite people to edit with you" to the button element via aria-label attribute.
                3. Provide the aria-expanded="false" attribute to the button element to convey the current state to screen reader users.
                4. Toggle the value of aria-expanded between true or false as per user interaction.
                5. Provide aria-haspopup="true" to the button element.
                6. The code of the "Invite people to edit" popup should be present right after the code of button element.



                Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

                        c3057d0e8d6b Vadym Ohyr
                        4b5b126a48d0 ssuryavanshi (Inactive)
                        1 Vote for this issue
                        6 Start watching this issue


                            c3057d0e8d6b Vadym Ohyr
                            4b5b126a48d0 ssuryavanshi (Inactive)
                            Affected customers:
                            1 This affects my team
                            6 Start watching this issue
