Issue Summary
This ticket is used to track a bug on RDS - after Postgres 10 upgrade, Confluence may fail to start.
When ugprading to Postgres 10 on AWS RDS, Confluence can't find start, will errors 'bandana table does not exist'.
It's because after upgrade, public schema lost access privileges.
Steps to Reproduce
- Connect to postgres sever (psql)
- connect to confluence database by \c confluence
- list out schemas \dn+
Expected Results
- rdsadmin user has access privileges
List of schemas
Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description
public | rdsadmin | rdsadmin=UC/rdsadmin+| standard public schema
| | =UC/rdsadmin |
(1 row)
Actual Results
- access privileges are lost.
List of schemas
Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description
public | rdsadmin | | standard public schema
(1 row)
Grant schema access to confluence user.
confluence=> ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER to atlconfluence;
confluence=> GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO atlconfluence;