After upgrade to 6.2.2, some profile pictures are strange colours. This issue only affects jpgs that were uploaded around 2+ years ago, when avatars were stored with their filenames in the attachment table rather than simply 'user-avatar'.
Images that are ok are served as src="/download/attachments/425988/user-avatar"
The ones in negative are served as src="/download/attachments/8782333/{file-name}.jpg"
Inverse colours:

Correct colours:

If you append ?effects=blur to the end of the URL you get the correct colours back, therefore this appears to be related to the image rotation work done in 6.2.2.
- Go to <your-confluence-url>/admin/darkfeatures.action and add imageFilter.exif.rotate.disabled. This will disable the image rotation work done for
CONFSERVER-32762, but it will resolve this display issue. Be sure to remove it once this issue is resolved.
- Individual users can upload a new profile picture (jpg, gif or png will all work)
If you upgraded to 6.2.2 and are experiencing this issue, you need to perform an additional step to resolve it:
- Upgrade to 6.2.3
- For Confluence Server:
- Delete the contents of <confluence-home>/imgEffects
- For Confluence Data Center:
- Delete the contents of <confluence-shared-home>/imgEffects