Resolution: Unresolved
We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.
NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
When printing or exporting a page to PDF, html Inline Comments do not come out.
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CONFCLOUD-38240 Ability to print or export Inline Comments
- Gathering Interest
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[CONFSERVER-38240] Ability to print or export Inline Comments
Thanks a lot to Andrei Mitin for the bookmarklet solution. We have found that the script doesn't work for blog posts, because they lack the treePageId field.
So to get inline comments for blog posts, you will have to replace
In-line comments are a usefull feature to comment on Confluence pages and to discuss changes. If this involves external parties and reviews it is required to export the pages including the Inline comments.
Please implement this feature.
Yes please implement this feature, this would be very very helpful for all of us
yesssss please please please implement this feature very helpful for some of us
This would be insanely helpful with some cross-functional team communication practices we are putting in place!
Echoing what the other requesters have said: this would be a very useful feature!
+ 1 from another company that relies on document peer-review.
Hello All.
As an option you can try to use macros from https://marketplace.atlassian.com/1219786 (paid) plugin that can be added to any page to form simple/inline comments tables (with status control) and export that page using Page tools.
Thank you
+1 from Public Health England
Many of our users are requesting this functionality.
Yes, PLEASE include this feature to be able to include comments in the printable export...
I also want the ability to preview my comments WHEN EDITING the page content (currently the edit function hides the comments), so that I can reference the important content in the comments when updating my page data.
Right now, I have to have two instances of the same page open side-by-side, one with the editable content, and the other with the comments showing...
Thank you!
me to, i Need to Export the comments in PDF and word.
confluence is announced as a collaboration tool and offers the possibality to comment a lot, but than they stop the use behind.
I try to introduce Confluence more and more. But saying my boss, to make a/b/c... i Need additional Tools which costs..... is a disturbing factor in the aceptance.
PDF´s are Standard in the use at This Moment. Yes, the Content should be transferred to confluene, but until this will happen i Need to work with both.
This (export inline comments to pdf) should be an option in the default export to pdf. You have my vote.
We need this as people are using inline comments on Confluence pages, which we want. But they are also doing it in PDF files, which we don't want. We cannot turn off the commenting completely. Some people forget so this feature is vital.
Will the comments appear in Adobe as comments? The kind we can combine with comments made through Adobe commenting? That would be ideal.
...just looking at the comments again. Will this only work to export to PDF and not on PDFs attached to Confluence pages?
I'm back! Turns out the same feature of including comments would help greatly for export to PDF and Word docs. Thanks!
@Stephen Kairys,
that is actually quite a popular open issue (with lots of duplicates): CONF-36956 "Ability to see inline comments while editing"
I totally agree that this feature is needed. My manager had added comments to a doc I wrote, which I need to reference by acting on his suggestions. Having a printed copy in front of me that included his comments would be so useful. As would being able to export to a Word doc or PDF for similar reasons.
Along these lines, having the optional ability to view inline comments when in EDIT mode would help greatly when making changes based on someone's comments.
Thank you, Andrei!!!
Anne, just print your document as PDF using any PDF printer. Andrei's bookmarklet produces content that shows up in print.
Something like this definitely needs to be a part of Confluence.
Thanks Andrei Mitin! I had to surround the javascript with script tags and add it to the Confluence Administration > Custom HTML > End of Body section
Unfortunately, the script doesn't show inline comments on pictures that are included on the page
Is there a script for that?
Still very useful. I would love this as a toggle feature either as a script or an included part of Confluence.
Here is a bookmarklet that creates a numbered list of all inline comments at the bottom, so they can be printed.
javascript:$('[class^=icg-]').remove(); $('[class*=icgc-]').each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('icgc-resolved').removeClass('icgc-unresolved'); }); $(document.head).append('<style class="icg-style">' + '.icgc-resolved { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; background-color: #afa; }' + '.icgc-unresolved { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; background-color: #ffa; }' + '</style>'); $.get( '/rest/inlinecomments/1.0/comments?containerId=' + $('[name=treePageId]').val() + '&_=' + new Date().getTime(), function (data, textStatus, xhr) { $('#comments-section').append('<h1 class="icg-h" style="page-break-before: always">Inline comments</h1>'); $('#comments-section').append(data.map(function(comment, index) { var resolved = comment.resolveProperties.resolved === true; return '<div class="icg-c" id="icg-c-' + comment.markerRef + '" data-commentid="' + comment.id + '" data-index="' + (1 + index) + '" style="margin-top: 20px; padding-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px #ddd">' + '<a href="#icg-s-' + comment.markerRef + '"><b class="' + ( resolved ? 'icgc-resolved' : 'icgc-unresolved' ) + '">' + (1 + index) + '. ' + ( resolved ? '[resolved] ' : '' ) + comment.authorDisplayName + '</b></a>:<br/>' + comment.body + '</div>'; }).join('')); $('.icg-c').each(function(){ var $cdiv = $(this); var commentId = $cdiv.data('commentid'); $.get( '/rest/inlinecomments/1.0/comments/' + commentId + '/replies?_=' + new Date().getTime(), function (data, textStatus, xhr) { $cdiv.after( data.map(function(comment, index) { return '<div class="icg-c-r" style="margin-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px #eee; margin-left: 30px; padding-top: 10px"><b>' + comment.authorDisplayName + '</b></a>:<br/>' + comment.body + '</div>'; }).join('')); }); }); $('.inline-comment-marker').each(function(){ var $this = $(this); var ref = $this.data('ref'); $this.attr('id', 'icg-s-' + ref).addClass( $this.hasClass('valid') ? 'icgc-unresolved' : 'icgc-resolved' ); $this.after($('<sup class="icg-f"><a href="#icg-c-' + ref + '">[' + $('#icg-c-' + ref).data('index') + ']</a></sup><span> </span>')); }); }); (function(){})();
Also, in our organization there are teams that would like to have this feature!