Encountered this issue when trying to give individual users permission to a space, the ajax request would return a npe.

      Environment was a cluster setup upgraded from 5.2 while upgrading to issue/CONFDEV-25498 but this issue has been in production for over a year now.

      we index personal information in PersonalInformationExtractor#addFields, USER_KEY is an optional field. PersonalInformationContentEntityBuilder#build causes NPE if that field is not defined

      2014-06-24 11:51:35,606 ERROR [http-16191-7] [common.error.jersey.ThrowableExceptionMapper] toResponse Uncaught exception thrown by REST service: userkey
      – url: /confluence/rest/prototype/1/search/user.json | userName: admin | referer: http://localhost:16191/confluence/spaces/editspacepermissions.action?key=AS&edit=Edit+Permissions
      java.lang.NullPointerException: userkey

            [CONFSERVER-34049] space admin user ajax call returns NPE

            Minh Tran added a comment -

            I could not reproduce this issue with the latest 5.9.x

            Minh Tran added a comment - I could not reproduce this issue with the latest 5.9.x

            Hi gmartin

            Thanks for raising this issue. Are you able to supply steps to reproduce? Other than the exception it would be good to understand the impact on this issue to the user.

            Steve Haffenden
            Confluence Bugmaster

            Steve Haffenden (Inactive) added a comment - Hi gmartin Thanks for raising this issue. Are you able to supply steps to reproduce? Other than the exception it would be good to understand the impact on this issue to the user. Regards Steve Haffenden Confluence Bugmaster Atlassian

              Unassigned Unassigned
              gmartin Glenn Martin (Inactive)
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              1 This affects my team
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