On seemingly every click, Confluence throws a warning similar to the following:

      2014-05-05 17:40:45,417 WARN [http-bio-8055-exec-10] [atlassian.confluence.cache.TransactionalCacheFactory] warning Transactional cache update outside transaction. All updates to this cache should be performed from a thread with a valid transaction context.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install and start Confluence 5.5
      2. Click around and monitor the logs


      To suppress the warnings, edit <confluence-install-directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties:

      ## caching debugging
      log4j.logger.com.atlassian.confluence.cache=ERROR, confluencelog

          Form Name

            [CONFSERVER-33557] Transactions cache warnings thrown continuously

            Anonymous made changes -
            Remote Link Original: This issue links to "STP-294 (Ecosystem JIRA)" [ 114485 ] New: This issue links to "ATST-294 (Ecosystem JIRA)" [ 114485 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Bug Workflow v3 [ 2885401 ] New: CONFSERVER Bug Workflow v4 [ 2979993 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Bug Workflow v2 [ 2790927 ] New: JAC Bug Workflow v3 [ 2885401 ]
            Status Original: Resolved [ 5 ] New: Closed [ 6 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Bug Workflow [ 2721064 ] New: JAC Bug Workflow v2 [ 2790927 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2384457 ] New: JAC Bug Workflow [ 2721064 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 2279177 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2384457 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5.1 - TEMP [ 2220559 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 2279177 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2175703 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5.1 - TEMP [ 2220559 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 1939943 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2175703 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v3 [ 1738496 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 1939943 ]

              psemeniuk Petro Semeniuk (Inactive)
              btom1 Brian
              Affected customers:
              12 This affects my team
              43 Start watching this issue
