Resolution: Unresolved
NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
The feature documented at https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Changing+the+Sequential+Order+of+Pages?focusedCommentId=420184815&=#ChangingtheSequentialOrderofPages-Changingthepageordertoalphabetical is great, but it would be truly wonderful if reverse-sort were an option, particularly to support the Meeting Notes blueprint. Out-of-the-box use of Meeting Notes will produce a page tree that looks like this:
- Meeting Notes
- 2013-10-25 Meeting Notes
- 2013-10-26 Meeting Notes
- 2013-10-27 Meeting Notes
It's pretty clear imho that it's much more desirable to keep the latest meeting notes on top, as in:
- Meeting Notes
- 2013-10-27 Meeting Notes
- 2013-10-26 Meeting Notes
- 2013-10-25 Meeting Notes
But there is not a nice mechanism for making this happen without resorting to manual re-ordering. Imposing a simple reverse-alphabetical sort on the Meeting Notes child pages would do it (assuming an appropriate naming convention were used - like the one that the out-of-the-box Meeting Notes blueprint suggests).
- is duplicated by
CONFSERVER-34697 Sort confluence pages from Z to A
- Closed
CONFSERVER-57562 Add option for descending sort page tree in the sidebar for alphabetical in revert order (Z-A)
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-31358 Expand page order alphabetical sort to allow reverse sort
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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