FAILED to import in 3.5.13 the re-exported file from 3.4.9 at customer site (see anonmyized attached export file)

      -> the constraint violated is the primary key on table CONTENT (the content id!)

      FAILED: export of V3.3.3 did not directly import into 3.5.13
      SUCCESSFUL: that same export of V3.3.3 imported successfully into 3.4.9 -> where we re-exported attached anonymized file

      attached: log file snipplet with hibernate.sql logging enabled from direct import into 3.5.13 of file exported with V3.3.3

          Form Name

            [CONFSERVER-23425] XML Import fails with Oracle Constraint Violation

            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Bug Workflow v3 [ 2899106 ] New: CONFSERVER Bug Workflow v4 [ 2993611 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Bug Workflow v2 [ 2791987 ] New: JAC Bug Workflow v3 [ 2899106 ]
            Status Original: Resolved [ 5 ] New: Closed [ 6 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Bug Workflow [ 2728484 ] New: JAC Bug Workflow v2 [ 2791987 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2393550 ] New: JAC Bug Workflow [ 2728484 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 2286270 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2393550 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5.1 - TEMP [ 2225938 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 2286270 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2180348 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5.1 - TEMP [ 2225938 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 1947131 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 - TEMP [ 2180348 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v3 [ 1742615 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v5 [ 1947131 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: CONF Bug Subtask WF (TEMP) [ 1703500 ] New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing - Restricted v3 [ 1742615 ]

              Unassigned Unassigned
              stefan.thiel Stefan Thiel
              Affected customers:
              1 This affects my team
              1 Start watching this issue
