Resolution: Fixed
Hello Everybody,
Thank you for your patience (and humor) as we built this feature. I’m here to report that we’ve been building and testing this feature internally and it is now ready for primetime. We plan to roll this feature out in a phased manner starting next week (August 31st). You should be getting this feature on your instance in the next 2-3 weeks. Here’s a community post that explains what this feature will look like in the new editor - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/The-ability-to-add-version-comments-is-BACK-in-Confluence-Cloud/ba-p/1464221
Thank you for your interest and patience with this request. I can confirm that we are going to be introducing this feature (permanently) in the new editor. We are going to start working on this in the next few weeks. We will make sure we keep the status of this ticket updated and give you a rough ETA when we have one.
As we're working through this feature and others, we wanted to address a lot of your concerns as to the future of the new editor and legacy editor.
Please read our recent community post here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/Change-to-your-content-is-in-your-hands/ba-p/1324476
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your feedback on bringing back the "What's Changed" comment box when publishing a page in the new editor. To set the right expectations, in our public editor roadmap here https://confluence.atlassian.com/confcloud/confluence-cloud-editor-roadmap-967314556.html you can see that our focus in the short/medium term is on bringing back some of the key documentation features like linking to an undefined page, linking text to an attachment, linking images etc.
You are still able to use Page History and Compare Versions to provide more objective and reliable logs of what has been changed. We'll revisit this suggestion once we get through some of the more burning areas of feature gap feedback we've been getting for the new editor. Thank you again for your feedback.
Bring back the "what's changed" comment box when publishing to the new editor.
Two possible ways to add comments when saving changes to a page:
1) Keep on using the old editor until this feature will be implemented in the new one as well.
2) Push a change comment to Confluence using REST-API
curl -u EMAIL-ADDRESS:API-TOKEN -X PUT http://YOUR-INSTANCE.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/CONTENT_ID -d '{"type":"page","title":"NEW TITLE","version":{"message":"CHANGE COMMENT", "number": 2}, "space":{"key”:”YOURSPACEKEY”}}’ -H 'Content-type: application/json'
In order for the above to work, you MUST supply a new title and the next version to be generated (thus, if you are up to version 2, change this to 3, and so on.) The Confluence title can be changed within the UI afterwards.
- is duplicated by
CONFCLOUD-65806 History Comment input box missing from the New Editor
- Closed
CONFCLOUD-67974 "What did change?" field on New Editing Experience
- Closed
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-33546 Add configuration option for 'What did you change?' or 'Notify watchers'
- Closed
- supersedes
CONFCLOUD-33546 Add configuration option for 'What did you change?' or 'Notify watchers'
- Closed
- mentioned in
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I'll check the box to see what's changed. And since I like these changes, I'll go ahead and leave that box check-marked as well.