Resolution: Fixed
5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.4
When running Confluence 5.9.4 on MySQL 5.6.x, content indexing takes much longer (anywhere from 6-10 times as much time) compared to when running on MySQL 5.5.x or any other version of MySQL running on a Confluence version 5.8.x
- Stand up a Confluence 5.9.4
- Fill it with content
- Reindex (from scratch or otherwise)
- Compare the amount it takes for the same content on Confluence 5.8.x or Confluence 5.9.4 with MySQL 5.5
Expected Results
In a Confluence 5.9.4 instance running on MySQL 5.5, indexing from scratch takes about 9 seconds.
Actual Results
With this same amount of content (restored from backup) running on MySQL 5.6 the indexing takes around 1 minute. This is not such a significant change, but this occurs when indexing ~3500 pieces of content. We have multiple tickets with much larger instances in support reporting upwards of 40 hours to complete a re-index.
At this point, we have been unable to find a workaround. The following has been attempted to see if it addresses the issue from a mysql bug: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=74739
Meanwhile you have two options to avoid this problem: either disable query caching on server (by setting 'query_cache_size=0' or 'query_cache_type=OFF' http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/query-cache.html) or stop using cursor fetch in client (connection property 'useCursorFetch=false').
This could be a regression of the following bug found immediately after upgrading to Confluence 5.9.x, but it seems like there is a more general issue with indexing and MySQl in Confluence 5.9: CONF-39746
Other related bugs have also been closed as support requests, but so far support has been unable to find a solution to this issue:
- causes
CONFSERVER-41030 Slow reindexing since Confluence 5.9.x with MySQL 5.5.x
- Closed
- is caused by
CONFSERVER-39746 Content indexing is very slow in Confluence using MySQL 5.5
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-40399 MySQL reindexing very slow since upgrade
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-41318 Documentation request: Add note of a known performance issue for MySQL 5.5
- Closed
- included in
CPU-282 Confluence 6.0.0-OD-2016.06.1-0007
CPU-283 Confluence 6.0.0-OD-2016.06.1-0008
CPU-287 Confluence 6.0.0-OD-2016.06.1-0009
- mentioned in
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