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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-26866

Dynamic task list will not migrate content within unmigrated wiki markup macro


      Running the Unmigrated wiki markup migration Task does not migrate Dynamic Task lists.

      Repro steps:

      1. Create a page with the following source:
        <ac:macro ac:name="unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup">
        <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">BLOCK</ac:parameter>
        <ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[{dynamictasklist:IT Setup}\\
        |F|H|F|2007-09-03|          | |Determine if new interface / edit existing required 		(IT)|
        |F|H|F|2007-09-03|          | |Create Jira Item		(IT)|
        |F|H|F|2007-09-03|          | |Source client account references from third party		(IT)|
        |F|H|F|2007-09-03|          | |Commit and release changes to code		(IT)|
        |F|H|F|2007-09-03|          | |Manual test trading		(IT)|
        |F|H|F|2007-09-03|          | |Automate changes / Add to DEPENDS		(IT)|\\
      2. Run the Unmigrated wiki markup migration Task.
      3. Check the unchanged content of the page.

      The migration task does not display any error in the logs.


      1. Shutdown Confluence.
      2. Run the following query in your databse:
        Please note this will modify your database, please make sure you take a backup before applying the changes in case you need to roll back,
        update BODYCONTENT set body = replace(body, '<ac:macro ac:name="unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup"><ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">BLOCK</ac:parameter><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[{dynamictasklist', '<ac:macro ac:name="tasklist"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[{dynamictasklist')
        where contentid in (select contentid from content where prevver is NULL AND contenttype IN ('PAGE','BLOGSPOT') AND content_status='current');

        This query may need a bit of fine tuning to adapt to the way your content is stored

      3. Start Confluence.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            aconde Alejandro Conde Carrillo (Inactive)
            3 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
