Resolution: Unresolved
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With the new Bitbucket UI (https://bitbucket.org/blog/improving-navigation-for-bitbucket-users) users are automatically loaded into the last shared workspace they've selected. It would be interesting to have a way of selecting a "favorite/default" workspace to be the one that always loads when accessing bitbucket.org (or clicking on Bitbucket's logo on the upper-left corner, etc).
[BCLOUD-22561] Ability to select a default workspace to be loaded on the single workspace view
Coming to vote for this as well, I get a repo that's 8-9 years old. Super frustrating. Please at least include your personal repo in the history of recent repos, then it should appear on load. Completely ridiculous that it doesn't already work that way.
This is very annoying. I guess I am going to have to use a browser bookmark, to resolve this on my own, but it is not ideal. Hope somebody fixes this bug soon.
Hi 1c505570e116 , just wanted to remind you this ticket to review the feature was assigned to you on the 26/May/2023 1:57 PM. I'm sure it doesn't take 581 days to read the description and resolve this ticket.
As others have pointed out, it doesn't land on "the last shared workspace they've selected". Instead, it always lands on the same, very old workspace, no matter what the user most recently did. This is actually a bug, not a feature request.
What an absolutely tremendous pain in the ass.
Hiding my own repositories from me, because you dump me into a workspace I never ever use?
i mean, how could a developer / system designer didnt think about to let user decide their default workspace??
isn't it should be automatically in our head when we make the system?
Dear Bitbucket thanks for your tremendous support to the developer.
I am going back to gitlab.
Bye bye to you forever.
After being frustrated with this for years, I have set up a redirect to my personal workspace using a chrome extension: Redirector.
> it is at the bottom of the backlog
Not exactly at the bottom, but in the list of issues sorted by votes it's at ~40th position.
And also thought that this is one is the oldest — nope, there are even older ones :harold-smile:
I wonder if the assignee, @Gayatri Ramesh , still works for Atlassian or if it is just a business decision (since Atlassian does not make money from individuals and this issue - not suggestion - mainly impacts individuals, it is at the bottom of the backlog...)
Which is foolishly short-sighted, since developers are the ones that make recommendations to their workplaces. At this point, I (in a management position) am recommending my organization to stay far away from bitbucket, in large part because of how confusing this UI is, and their unwillingness to address it.
I wonder if the assignee, @Gayatri Ramesh , still works for Atlassian or if it is just a business decision (since Atlassian does not make money from individuals and this issue - not suggestion - mainly impacts individuals, it is at the bottom of the backlog...)
Came to vent.
After being increasingly annoyed by never having my personal workspace show up first when I work on persnoal projects, I decided to finally fix it.
Only to see that its a "feature" under cnosideration?! And aparaently silently ignored?!
You clearly do not understand how developers work. I am not going to risk other future disapointments like this.
back to github
In my experience, the current offerings from Github and Gitlab are both quality. And neither one hides your personal repositories from you.
They aren't going to fix it. I'm going to start looking for a better product. Anybody have any recommendations for a competitor that offers a better solution? Of course there is github. Gitea is a good self-hosted option.
We should post it here so people will know its official that they are just going to continue ignoring us and that its pointless to just keep waiting for it.
We shouldn't be using a product we have to fix with a workaround. The provider should make a product that works the way its supposed to.
If we all just move away from Atlassian then 1) we wont have to deal with this problem 2) we wont have to continue to be ignored and 3) Atlassian wont have pressure to fix this bug anymore and can comfortably continue offering a broken service to unsuspecting new members.
Everybody wins.
Yesterday it was 1 year anniversary of the issue being ignored!
Happy anniversary, folks!
Could you just extend the existing behaviour to show us our last selected workspace, regardless of whether it was shared or personal? This would be a small change with huge big impact on my perception of Bitbucket.
Every time I log in, this happens:
- I only see 1 repo, which isn't mine, and panic that all my repos have gone missing.
- I eventually realise that I'm viewing someone else's workspace, again. Every time.
- I switch to my own workspace, shake my head at the absurdity of this feature/workflow, and wonder if it will be another year before something is done about it...
This is the weirdest thing not only to not fix, to have brought into existence in the first place. Who thought to themselves that it was a good idea to show users other people's workspace rather than their own after log in? That makes no sense whatsoever.
Can not believe that you call it "feature"! How did you even came to this idea? I wasted too much time trying:
- To understand what I'm doing wrong
- To found any settings (Atlassian has A LOT of them in different places for different products and I'm going crazy with all this mess) how I could fix it
- to get an idea how I could google it so I could understand what the hell is going on with my account
And I'm "happy" too much that there are no obvious ways to found MY repository in my account. If I'm only not smart enough to just manually type my username in address bar. Hyperlinks? Looks like too innovative for Atlassian — use you address bar to navigate on your homepage...
Could you at least notify me about it in some non-distracting way without longreads? Could you explain at least? If you can't fix it now...
What a good news I found this issue in Google, at least I know that this is not my fault and I can to stop this researching about wrong landing. Wow.
Just remove this feature please. It's completely annoying.
The description of this issue should say "We NEED to have a way to select a favorite/default workspace..." rather than casually saying it would be interesting to have a way to select it. I would venture to say anyone who votes on this feature request wants this change because it is necessary to improve workflow efficiency and eliminate frustration.
I'm surprised to see that it is coming up on a year of being open when it seems like a small change for a big impact. Yes, it may not affect a ton of users, but for the ones that it does affect, it would make a big impact.
The current behavior has now stopped me using the start.atlassian.com page (or it's new replacement).
I had to look up an old repository that was in our non-personal "archive" workspace, kept deliberately separate, and apparently opening that workspace once has now permanently set Bitbucket to keep that my default workspace because our main workspace is an old Personal one. Without a decent migration tool, it means every time I go to the Bitbucket main page (ie: whenever accessing it from start.al.com) I have to fumble about with the hidden option to change Workspaces. Bunch of manual bookmarks it is.
Agree with all the other users. I also have a legacy Bitbucket account I am a member of that always comes up if I just go to bitbucket.org, and it is intcedibly annoying. The current behavior makes zero sense. At least if you're going to open to the last accessed workspace it should consider your personal workspace.
This issue has gathered enough interest to be moved automatically to Reviewing status, where it will be reviewed to someone in the relevant product development team and moved on to the appropriate status.
Yes, this is essential, since the change last year I have been unable to access my personal account directly because it drags me instead to a defunct team account where I can't complete any actions (e.g., leave)
Not sure how easy/difficult this would be - but yes...I'm in favor of this feature/function being added. Looking forward to when this request is incorporated. Thank you!
> does not get fixed within hours
Exactly. This is such a small issue, that they cannot assign people to fix it, because they only have/hire "senior" devs.
For a very long time, I thought I had misconfigured my account, as I keep seeing my college's workspace, even though we have not worked together in over 11 years.
It is disheartening to realize that an issue of this severity, with over 170 votes, does not get fixed within hours. It doesn't leave Bitbucket, and generally Atlassian, in a very good spot.
I use Bitbucket almost entirely for personal projects, in my personal workspace. I'm a member of another workspace because I worked on a project with a friend over a decade ago. With the new Bitbucket workspaces setup, it always defaults to the ancient workspace that I really don't care about very much anymore instead of my personal workspace, and then I have to go around clicking through menus until I figure out which one will let me get to my stuff, since I don't use Bitbucket all that often. And there are a bunch of different places that intuitively seem like they might be the place to go to switch – the "grid" menu in the upper left and the "projects" section in the middle menu bar both intuitively seem like they might be the place to go to get to 'the page that has my personal projects', but nope, it's actually under my profile icon on the right side.
I either want to be able to set my personal workspace as the default or have a landing screen that lets me choose which workspace I want to be in so I know that the workspaces feature exists at all and that my personal repositories haven't all been deleted or something.
Wow. Silly that I can't open Bitbucket directly to my personal workspace.
Yep @Andrew Pearce, github is the way! Besides the fact that they don't have a massive bug in their UI that makes it completely unusable, bandwidth seems a lot better with faster pushes and pulls.
Totally! My least favorite part about bitbucket. My 3000+ person company stopped using it because of this.
Yup. And I spent weeks changing the url by hand to find my repositories, since I didn't manage to discover the workspace selector under the user icon, before I finally found the UI for selecting it.
I can't believe they think this is a reasonable user experience.
Frankly, if you are someone that uses the overview infrequently, your reaction is that you logged in and all your repositories are gone.
That's not a good feeling.
This is a pain. How long would it take to fix it?
I am thinking of switching my repo rather than bearing this pain.
Extra vote for this - having to constantly switch workspace when you log in is really annoying.
Trying to avoid using Bitbucket due to this bug. Had to go back there today for an old project and was as frustrating as ever. I also got offered access to some AI features. What about using a few developer hours to fix this completely broken basic functionality of your service before you jump on to the AI bandwagon? As mentioned previously, this is bug, not a "suggestion" as it's been categorized in your system.
Please please fix this issue, I'm constantly being redirected to the dormant one of multiple personal workspaces I have shared with on my account.
I'm just about ready to give up on Bitbucket and move to github or gitlab just because of this "feature". This is such a miserable anti-pattern for usability, I can't believe Atlassian is just letting this sit like this.
I also run into this issue and would LOVE to be able to choose a default workspace (which would be my personal workspace). The non-personal workspaces are those of my customers and although I access them every now and then, I currently need to switch to the personal one 98% of the time.
Had a post I made about this bug deleted from the forum so guessing that means no fix on the cards any time soon.
For some reason after login Bitbucket shows me a workspace I haven't worked with in years. The first time this happened, I thought I've somehow lost all my personal projects. So please, add the option to set a default workspace!
Please add default settings or at least include personal workspace, when setting defaults...
This is very annoying to have to change the workspace every time I visit the web interface. It's defaulting to a collaborator's workspace that I only have read access to (and it's just not my workspace in general). Please fix.
A good start would be to allow me to set my default workspace. However, I still prefer to just have all repositories viewable at once, and filter by typing the name of the repository. It's so much faster than the many clicks it now takes to get to any one repository. I work all day for many clients and constantly switching between workspaces, and then searching for the repository is a bad experience and a waste of time.
I only use my personal account for personal projects, but I am part of a shared workspace of one of my friends for the rare occasions we want to work on something together. It is extremely annoying (and not to mention confusing the first few times) to have to switch over to my personal workspace each time I log in. I have started using GitHub instead of Bitbucket because of how much friction it adds.
For clarity, this was not just a mild inconvenience for me.
The workspace that I was being defaulted to, had a project/code which were associated with some negative memories. Every time I saw the project name, my heart briefly sank. I imagine that some others might feel a similar way.
It would be great if we were empowered to set the default workspace that appears when we navigate to Bitbucket.
This isn't ideal, but it may be helpful for some if you're trying to land on repositories that are in your personal workspace.
A temporary workaround:
- Create a new workspace (e.g. username-workspace) via https://bitbucket.org/account/workspaces/
- In your newly created workspace, create a project, e.g. "main" / "MAIN".
- Request transferral of repositories that you're currently working on to the new workspace via Repository settings
- On the right-hand side, click on the Manage repository drop-down to click on the Transfer repository option
- Enter the same workspace id as created above (e.g. username-workspace)
- Wait for the request email then click on View transfer request
- Select the project from the drop-down and click on Accept
- Verify that going to bitbucket.org now takes you to your newly created workspace
I am also constantly redirected to my old job's workspace even though I don't do that job any more. I can't delete that workspace either, at least not for a few years. Please add this feature.
I was directed here from this community discussion, and I agree this feature idea would be very useful if implemented.
When will this be finally addressed?