Resolution: Unresolved
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Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server.
With Git LFS 2.0.0 you can now lock files that you're actively working on, preventing others from pushing to the Git LFS server until you unlock the files again.
This will prevent merge conflicts as well as lost work on non-mergeable files at the filesystem level. While it may seem to contradict the distributed and parallel nature of Git, file locking is an important part of many software development workflows particularly for larger teams working with binary assets.
What I'm thinking is not only a visual representation on your website GUI but also some front-end functionality on SourceTree such as the currently implemented SourceTree Git LFS warning that XYZ file(S) are larger than 2MB.
I'd look to GitLab's iteration for guidance: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/file_lock.html
[BCLOUD-14454] Git LFS (v2.x) File Locking Support
This feature is crucial for our team. Please consider adding it
Hi there! This would be of great help with Unreal Engine based projects! Please consider it.
any news?
migrated to Bitbucket Cloud and it is being surprise after surprise... I´m very unhappy with the Bitbucket Cloud product.
Is there any roadmap or estimate of when we will be able to offer our users LFS Locking?
This feature is absolutely essential for what we do.
Why is it taking so long to implement?
I agree, I have posted on here how necessary this feature is, I work for a fortune 500 company and we had no choice but to move forward without this feature. All of our source code is stored in binary files, so it is impossible to merge, we are currently using a teams channel and we only post that we are basically checking out code to make changes so that everyone knows you are modifying something, and then we go back and cross it out in teams to let everyone know you are done, obviously not the best solution, but it is better then having no idea someone is changing the same code that you may also be changing, and then the race is on as who will push their code first and then the other person is stuck trying to cut their code back into the latest, as they cannot push their changes. This simple feature being able to lock the source code would make this process much smoother and full proof, as any manual process that is created is going to be prone to issues. Its been probably at least 2 years since I first posted on the Jira ticket that was closed, and this one always just says gathering interest, does not look like it will be put into a release anytime soon. Sorry for the bad news. I really hope I am wrong and am pleasantly surprised one day.
Prior to moving to git in bitbucket, we used tfvc in tfs, and we were able to rig it based on settings that it would only let one person check out the code at a time in a gated manor and that worked great for us, as prior to moving to tfvc in tfs in 2012 we used source safe which absolutely allowed gated checkouts. I understand the need for git and it works great when all source code is text based, but for the language we program in, when all of the source code is stored in a binary file, it would be impossible to merge code and address conflicts, unless someone can ready binary.
This is an important feature for us as we have a few thousand LFS files.
We are hosting a very large PL/SQL repository and have to protect our forms binary files
As game developers, file locking on Cloud Version is an urgent requirement for the next stage of our project. Out of necessity, we will be swapping to Perforce or Plastic SCM if this feature does make an appearance very soon
Beside of the size limitation of Git repos in Bitbucket Cloud this missing feature of full Git LFS support will be the second big blocker for a migration from Bitbucket Data Center to Bitbucket Cloud for us.
We are game developers and using file lock is crucial for our business.
Is there a possibility that it will be implemented soon?
We are also stuck due to this.
Error while retrieving locks: Repository or object not found
Management is actively looking into moving over to Github now.
Still just a suggestion thread eh? Alright, figured I'd check back since it's been almost a year since the last time I posted here.
I was able to get git lfs file locking working with github. However, Bitbucket server gives and error:
Error while retrieving locks: Repository or object not found
This may be a deal breaker for us, file locking with Git LFS is essential to our workflow.
I have to say I am surprised. It seems like something that should be an easy fix with a competent back end. This isn't that hard to set up. May end up just upgrading my virtual servers or go paid GitHub account.
Agreed, I work for a fortune 500 company, our POS is written in clarion, which all of the source code is stored in binary, we currently do single/gated check in/outs using tfvc through tfs, we would like to move our source code to bitbucket, but without the locking feature, since all of our code is stored in binary, and you can't do text based merges, our development team would be stepping all over each other, we really need this feature to move away from tfs. Hoping developers at Atlassian finally notice all of these comments have at least some info of a plan to implement this feature in the future.
Agreed, very concerning that we don't have a response with an expected timeline. We're currently evaluating other options as this is an integral piece to our workflow.
Seriously disappointed that this issue is now fast approaching the 3yrs old mark YET STILL UNRESOLVED OR EVEN PROPERLY ACKNOWLEDGED...
At least Bitbucket Server v6.3 released back in May of last year now supports file locking.
I am now regretting ever migrating from Bitbucket Server to Cloud 3yrs back...
Can somebody update the description with an indicated/estimated release date for this item?
I will use GITHUB together with JIRA if this item is left unattended for a while now.
It is ridiculous where 2 Atlassian products working with each other worse than a 3rd party product.
We're looking for a home for our large game repos. We're considering Bitbucket for this, but are concerned by the lack of locking for large binary files.
It's almost three years after the creation of the issue and still no progress on this? We are considering moving away from Bitbucket too for this very reason.
Really needs this working to capture game devs using Unity and UE4.
I ran into BCLOUD-19306 tonight. I suppose I could just go ahead and use Perforce for my personal projects as well like we do at my full-time job...
Our projects involve a lot of binary assets. Artists frequently indicate they are annoyed with git because they have no option to lock their files in advance. Even some of our programmers work in files that are stored in a proprietary binary format, such as scene files. We are considering moving away from Bitbucket to a provider that does offer this functionality, since this ticket doesn't seem to be progressing fast enough for our business.
We need this capability but not urgently.
Is there a plan or a time estimate on when this support would be released?
We have similar needs and found very late in the dev cycle that locks were not supported. I think we have no choice but to move to github or gitlab now.
Just want to add that we’re also needing this feature to work in Unity and prevent merge of files like scenes and prefabs. We will switch to GitHub if we grow the team. Would love to get an update on this!
Same here. We’re working with Unreal Engine and unfortunately UE has even scripting assets in binary files .. and as more people come on board no locking is starting to limit us more. Any update on this would be appreciated!
@agenkin Hi Anton. Now with the functionality being available on Bitbucket server
Any chance for the developer(s) to port the feature to the Bitbucket Cloud edition?
Thanks in advance
I agree.. we use Bitbucket at my current company but due to the fact we need full file locking support for our games development we are now going to switch to GitHub (which does support it).
Same here. Looking for an update. With this feature in place, we could stay with git & bitbucket. Otherwise, we're eyeing up perforce.
This is a must have feature for me. I use the Clarion Development Environment from Softvelocity, as do thousands of developers around the world. Our "code" is stored in binary app files. As such we need the feature to "check-out" a file to a developer and retain a date / time and developer history of files when the file is checked back in. We would need the ability to see who has a file checked out and to add comments with each new file version so a rough history of changes can be seen.
@awbb ah that's a shame... well thanks for the rapid response nonetheless.
Hi @benjamindsmithy - thanks for your question. At this time, this improvement is not slated for development in that timeframe. We'll update this issue if/when that plan changes.
This issue has gathered enough interest to be moved automatically to Reviewing status, where it will be reviewed to someone in the relevant product development team and moved on to the appropriate status.