Resolution: Unresolved
Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.
It would be really useful to us to be able to add labels to pull requests, so that we can for example label which PRs should be accepted before a particular release (e.g. 3.2.1).
They would also be useful for seeing at a glance the status of the PR (for example PassedQA).
Finally they could be used to give a clue as to where a branch should be merged into (for example hotfix - some of our devs have been known to create PRs that are directed at the default branch, rather than selecting the correct hoxfix branch!) (this has been resolved in the PR view)
- is related to
BCLOUD-12503 "Work in progress" / "draft" state for pull requests
- In Progress
BCLOUD-13021 "Needs work" reviewer status
- Closed
[BCLOUD-11976] Labels for pull requests
dparrish are you able to provide any sort of update with regards to this embarrassing necessary feature? You don't even support checkbox formatting for your WYSIWYG so there is no ability to even manually look like you're tagging PRs in the description. It's pretty silly that this ticket exists for nearly 9 years now!!!!!
Think of how much confusion can be saved in the world if you just implement this.
It would greatly enhance the usability and productivity of the Bitbucket platform for our team and many other users.
I want to second that this is a basic feature we should not depend on a 3rd party plugin, with associated costs and/or security implications, to provide.
Hi @Julio Gonzalez,
Flowie, still doesn't have an official API for labels, but if you are interested, please get in touch via Flowie's website and we might be able to come up with a solution for you, including the webhooks events for label changes.
While Github and Gitlab is nailing it, Bitbucket still lack of this basic feature.
Third party plugins are not an option as we need an API endpoint. (And ideally webhook support on label change)
I would like to use ArgoCD PR generator to provision preview environments based on labels. ( using Bitbucket server/datacenter)
Also labels are very useful for automation, triage, third parties and bots.
I cannot understand why it has not been implemented yet in 8 years.
source: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operator-manual/applicationset/Generators-Pull-Request/
(The workaround is through PR name matching, but that's not user friendly.
We can't create/delete the preview without changing the branch name.
Also with labels, we can have multiple kind of previews at the same time by adding multiple labels to a PR)
We have released Flowie, an app for Bitbucket Cloud that has support for pull request labels.
Please try and let us know if you have any feedback!
This issue has gathered enough interest to be moved automatically to Reviewing status, where it will be reviewed to someone in the relevant product development team and moved on to the appropriate status.
For people just commenting +1 on this, just make sure to also click the vote button in the top right
+1... it's really handy to label which PRs have been reviewed and ready to include into various builds.
Just migrated from Bitbucket Server to Cloud edition.
I couldn't imagine we would lost the Tag on Pull Request feature.
With the new policy of Atlassian more and more users will migrate to Cloud and discover that there's (a lot) of missing features regarding the use of traditional Git SCM.
(ok I understand there's a price gap with Bitbucket cloud but come on we talk about adding Tags to a PR and the ticket is opened for almost 6 or 7 years ?)
Our engineers are mad here as on our microservices application, we can't go anymore to create a PR with a "dot not merge" tag as we maybe didn't finished yet to adapt or create the PR in other services.
Definitively need it!
Something I've been wanting for about 2 years now. Would be a really nice addition to the pull requests at Bitbucket cloud.
+1. Agree, It is important. It is used a lot on github, and I miss it.
+1, would be really helpful if this gets rolled out ASAP.
Thank you.
Zach Silveira and Abhishek Sharma, these kinds of comments are completely unnecessary. We all know people have limited time and resources so you should just go use some other software if Bitbucket doesn't have the features you need.
I am certain that after a decade they will be done gathering interest and will eventually drop it due to lack of interest
Available on all major git hosting solutions but not bitbucket...
I'm considering switching to Bitbucket with my teams but finding multiple 10year old feature requests that aren`t event touched yet really scares me off.
can you also consider adding labels using git commit hook? we use monorepo and we would like to add labels based on files that have changed. Rather than manually adding labels we would like to inspect paths and add labels as part of the hook