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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-17989

Builds using Gatekeeper are not pushing





      Pushes from Bamboo when using Gatekeeper have been failing

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Build Plan with Gatekeeper enabled
      2. Run a build that should push to your gatekeeper branch

      Expected Results

      The push completes successfully and the build continues.

      Actual Results

      The below exception is thrown in the atlassian-bamboo.log file:

      2016-11-01 17:19:01,829 ERROR [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [ChainExecutionManagerImpl] Failed to push for plan-result: [BRANCH KEY]. Exception during push: Can't guess branch name for revision [ref hash] when trying to perform push.

      With DEBUG logging enabled for com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.git.GitCommandProcessor, the below will appear:

      2016-11-01 17:19:01,380 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] Running in [workingDirectory]/mergeWorkspace: [/usr/bin/git log -1 --encoding=UTF-8 --format=%H MERGE_HEAD]
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,380 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandBuilder] {SSH_ASKPASS=/bin/echo}
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,488 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] Running in [workingDirectory]/mergeWorkspace: [/usr/bin/git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no]
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,488 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandBuilder] {SSH_ASKPASS=/bin/echo}
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,597 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] git status output: 
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,597 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [NativeGitOperationHelper] Nothing to commit
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,597 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] Running in [workingDirectory]/mergeWorkspace: [/usr/bin/git log -1 --encoding=UTF-8 --format=%H HEAD]
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,597 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandBuilder] {SSH_ASKPASS=/bin/echo}
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,718 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] Running in [workingDirectory]/mergeWorkspace: [/usr/bin/git show-ref master]
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,718 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandBuilder] {SSH_ASKPASS=/bin/echo}
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,825 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] --- Full output: ---
      2016-11-01 17:19:01,825 DEBUG [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-8] [GitCommandProcessor] --- End of output: ---

      The following appears in the job log:

      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	Note: checking out '[ref hash]'.
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	
      simple	01-Nov-2016 17:18:58	  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>


      1. Stop Bamboo
      2. Copy off the <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/lib/atlassian-bamboo-core-5.13.2.jar
      3. Place the atlassian-bamboo-core- attach to this case in it's place
      4. Start Bamboo




            mgardias Marcin Gardias
            ezeidan Elias Zeidan (they/them)
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue

