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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-20286

Date resolved is updated whenever resolution is included in transition screen


      If the resolution field is included on a transition (for example, from resolved->closed), the resolution date is updated whether or not the value changes.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a new screen that includes the resolution field
      2. Create a new workflow (based on the default, for example)
      3. Edit the resolved->closed transition and associate it with the new screen
      4. Create a new workflow scheme and associate the new workflow with all issue types
      5. Configure a project to use the new workflow scheme
      6. Resolve the issue, including a comment. Note the time of the comment and the resolved date.
      7. Wait at least one minute.
      8. Close the issue without changing the resolution. Include a comment. Note that the resolved date matches the time of the comment on the resolved->closed transition.

      You could argue that changing the resolution should update the resolved date (although that's not entirely obvious), but simply including the resolution on a transition shouldn't force a change.

            pleschev Peter Leschev
            aatkins TonyA
            13 Vote for this issue
            19 Start watching this issue
