Resolution: Unresolved
3.2, 3.4.6, 5.6.4
Anonymous access is enabled
Severity 3 - Minor
NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
Steps to reproduce
- Go to http://confluence.atlassian.com/dashboard.action
- Go to Feed Builder
- Whether you are logged in or accessing as anonymous, the following menu is no more available:
- In Confluence 3.1 or lower, if you are logged in, the following option appears:
- If you select 'Anonymous' or you are accessing as anonymous, you should get an anonymous feed generated:
- In Confluence 3.1 or lower, if you are logged in, the following option appears:
This was working fine in Confluence 3.1 or lower
- Remove &os_authType=basic from the generated feed URL
or - Modify configurerssfeed.vm which is located at <confluence-install>/confluence/dashboard by appending the following code:
#if ($action.hasAnonymousAccess() && !$action.isAnonymousUser()) <div style="margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;"> <div class="substeptitle" style="background: #f0f0f0;"> $action.getText("label.access") </div> <div class="searchItem"> #tag( "Radio" "name='publicFeed'" "value=selectedPublicFeed" "list=accessTypes" "listKey=value" "listValue=key" "theme='notable'" "template='radiolist.vm'") </div> </div> #else #if ($action.isAnonymousUser()) <input type="hidden" name="publicFeed" value="true"> #else <input type="hidden" name="publicFeed" value="false"> #end #end
just before #bodytag( "Submit" "theme='aui'")
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-21601 Generating anonymous feed through Feed Builder is not possible anymore
- Gathering Impact
CONFSERVER-11449 RSS feed builder documentation does not cover feed authentication
- Closed
Any news on this one? We are running Confluence 6.13.9 Server.
How many affected customers does it take for Atlassian to act?